Samstag, 27. Januar 2018

Palestinian 16-year-old Ahed Tamimi is the latest child victim of Israel’s occupation

She is neither Joan of Arc nor a Palestinian puppet, but a symbol of a second traumatised generation.
........ Frank Roni, a former child protection specialist for Unicef in the Palestinian territories, said he had observed the “intergenerational trauma” of those growing up under occupation. “The ongoing conflict, the deterioration of the economy and social environment, the increase in violence – this all impacts heavily on children. Children form a ghetto mentality and lose hope for the future, which fuels a cycle of despair,” he said in 2013........
........ Her story is not just about one child, but a generation – two generations – without hope and security. Tragically and unforgivably, the same bleak prospects could await a third.
weiterlesen in theguardian

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