Dienstag, 25. Mai 2021

Saudi Arabia bars anti-vaxxers from pilgrimages and overseas travel in bid to improve Covid vaccine take-up

 In an attempt to boost take-up, Saudi Arabia has announced that individuals who refuse to receive a Covid vaccine will be banned from overseas travel, pilgrimages, and entering universities, shopping malls, or office blocks.

From August 1, it will be mandatory for anyone in the Kingdom to have had a Covid vaccination before they are allowed to return to work in office buildings or enter government buildings, educational establishments, shopping malls, entertainment venues, and public transport.

Saudi Arabia introduced a travel ban in 2020, as the pandemic spread globally, but it has since been lifted for vaccinated citizens or those with some immunity due to having recently recovered from the virus.

Previously, the Kingdom limited the Umrah pilgrimage to those who were fully vaccinated or had recovered from Covid in the past six months, with the annual Hajj now facing similar restrictions, limiting access to the key trip for Muslims.

Saudi Arabia bars anti-vaxxers from pilgrimages and overseas travel in bid to improve Covid vaccine take-up — RT World News

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