Freitag, 14. Mai 2021

Muslim Holocaust: Evil Happens When Good Men Do Nothing

 “… Zionism is [a] genocidal racism in awful theory and horrendous ethnic cleansing practice, and its supporters should be regarded as utterly unfit for public life, as have been like racists such as the Ku Klux Klan, Nazis, neo-Nazis and supporters of Apartheid. …”

“… The Zionists are the worst anti-Arab anti-Semites in the world in terms of obscene racist words, vile Apartheid Israeli laws and impositions, and the horrendous genocidal violence of the Palestinian Genocide …”

For all decent people and in particular anti-racist Jewish humanitarians the core messages from the WW2 Jewish Holocaust (5-6 million Jews killed through violence or imposed deprivation) – and from the more general Nazi Germany-imposed WW2 European Holocaust (30 million Slavs, Jews and Gypsies killed), the WW2 Bengali Holocaust (6-7 million Indians starved to death for strategic reasons by the British with Australian complicity), and the 1937-1945 Japan-imposed WW2 [The 21st Century editor’s insertion: Korean Holocaust (Over 80 million killed throughout the entire colonial period from late 19th century till mid 20th century) and] Chinese Holocaust (35-40 million killed) – are “zero tolerance for racism”, “never again to anyone”, “bear witness”, “zero tolerance for lying”, and “silence is complicity”.....

.....  Fact: it has been called “Palestine” or variants thereof since the time of Greek historian Herodotus (484 – c. 425 BCE) after the Philistines who settled coastal areas in about 1200 BC.

It is still called Palestine (or variants thereof e.g. Filastin to Indigenous Palestinians and other Arab peoples) by the UN (which has recognized the State of Palestine, unlike Zionist-subverted Australia), nearly all UN members, and over 14 million Palestinians of whom about 7 million represent 50% of the Subjects of Apartheid Israel (Jewish Israelis representing 47%)....

... 72% of the Indigenous Palestinian subjects of Apartheid Israel (the 5.2 million Occupied Palestinians highly abusively confined to the Gaza Concentration Camp or to West Bank ghettoes) have zero human rights (as set out in the 30 Articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights) and like the Burmese cannot vote for the government ruling them.

The “lucky” 2 million Palestinian Israelis can vote but exist as Third Class citizens in their own land under over 60 Nazi-style, race-based laws and under explicitly stated threats to suffer Rohingya-style mass expulsion as happened in 1948 (800,000 Palestinians expelled) and 1967 (400,000 Arabs expelled from the West Bank and Israeli-occupied Syria)....

weiterlesen auf: Muslim Holocaust: Evil Happens When Good Men Do Nothing – The 21st Century (

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