Montag, 18. März 2019

Why the media fails to cover Palestine with accuracy and empathy

A powerful Israeli lobby, reporting fatigue and the fear of being accused of anti-Semitism harms coverage, say experts.

…..  "You always come under particular pressure with [reporting on events in Israel and Palestine] because there is an intense and concerted Israeli media lobby - and there always was," said Sarah Helm, a former foreign correspondent for the UK's Independent newspaper. "And that includes a very intense Israeli political lobby working at every single level, which there always was too - and that was no secret and nor would they make a secret of it."

Everyone is terrified of putting a foot wrong and being accused of being anti-Semitic that they daren't even ask the necessary questions.

… In 2017, Mariam Barghouti, a Palestinian-American writer based in Ramallah, wrote in a column for Al Jazeera: "The mainstream media focus is always on Palestinian reaction and not on Israeli action and it insinuates that Palestinians are on the offence when in fact they are on the defence."

full article on aljazeera

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