Samstag, 16. März 2019

New Zealand mosque attacks and the scourge of white supremacy

Shootings at Christchurch mosques are only the latest on a long list of acts of white supremacist terrorism in the West.

Today's New Zealand mosque shootings, which killed at least 49 people and were allegedly carried out by white supremacists, are only the latest on a long list of recent acts of white supremacist terrorism. Despite the growing and constant threat, Western governments have failed to adequately address the danger of white supremacy......

..... The propping up of white supremacy
Political movements may help explain why many Western societies do not take the threat of white supremacy as seriously as they should - many Western political leaders are themselves beholden to white supremacy.
White nationalism has taken firm root in both European and American political mainstreams. In Europe, white nationalists have gained political traction and influenced elections and referendums, including the United Kingdom's 2016 Brexit vote, while in the US, President Donald Trump and numerous Republican politicians have been linked to white supremacy.....

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