Mittwoch, 17. Oktober 2018

China defends internment camps for Uighur Muslims

Official says China is averting 'terrorism' through 'vocational education' amid outcry over mass internment of Muslims. 

…. Up to one million people are believed to be held in internment camps, according to estimates cited by a United Nations Panel.

…. Patrick Poon, Amnesty International's China researcher, said Zakir's claims "fly in the face of all available evidence and are an insult to both those suffering in the camps and the families of those missing".
He added: "No amount of spin can hide the fact that the Chinese authorities are undertaking a campaign of systematic repression."
The Xinhua report comes as China ramped up propaganda efforts to defend its measures in Xinjiang, including courting foreign media and running opinion pieces abroad as it seeks to spin a more positive message.

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