Dienstag, 16. Oktober 2018

Australia's monumental errors

Like the US, Australia has a serious problem with monuments white-washing history.

I.... In Australia, there's a growing discontent of statues that don't accurately memorialise the past.

...... There are justifiable reasons to remove or alter some monuments. Statues of people long dead, people whose celebrated deeds fall short of modern ideals of justice, freedom and equity for all. At the very least, the plaques on these problematic statues need to be rewritten to provide a more accurate account of history.

...... From the mid-1800s to 1970s, tens of thousands of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (First Peoples) children were taken from their families. These children are now collectively known as "the Stolen Generations".

..... Correcting white-washed history
In collaboration with First Peoples historians and writers, the government should put up factual plaques on statues and memorials to help educate Australians about shared histories.

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