Mittwoch, 24. März 2021

European Union to Vote This Week on Vaccination Travel Passport

 On March 17, the European Commission proposed a digital “Green Passport” to facilitate the safe free movement of citizens within the EU during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The “interoperable” certificates would provide evidence that a person has been vaccinated or has tested negative for COVID. The pass would include information on the brand of the vaccine, date and place of inoculation and the number of doses administered, as well as information from a lab or hospital confirming negative test results.

Holders of the certificate (a QR code on a phone app or on paper) would be exempt from quarantine and other restrictions. The document would be common to all EU citizens, but it will be up to member countries to decide on how to use it.

....... Senta Depuydt, president of Children’s Health Defense Europe, and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., chairman, Children’s Health Defense, have expressed their concerns in this letter to the European Parliament.

full article and video here: European Union to Vote This Week on Vaccination Travel Passport • Children's Health Defense

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