Mittwoch, 23. Januar 2019

They threatened to kill us if we didn't leave India: Rohingya

India's Hindu nationalist government's crackdown on 40,000 Rohingya forces them to try to cross over to Bangladesh.

…….. Following a crackdown that began in 2012, tens of thousands of Rohingya fled their villages, escaping Buddhist mobs who often aided by the Myanmar military.
The Muslim-majority Rohingya were forced to live in squalid camps, which have been equated with concentration camps, with severe restrictions on their movements.
…… Since then, more than a million Rohingya have left Myanmar, taking desperate journeys via sea and land for safety and a better future.

…… "Since April last year, Indian police started to visit our camp regularly, asking us to fill forms and give our biometric data. News spread across the camp that we would be deported back to Myanmar," he told Al Jazeera.

…… Rights groups have slammed India for handing over Rohingya to the Myanmar government in violation of the principle of non-refoulement, which prohibits states from deporting a refugee or an asylum seeker to territories where her life and freedom could be threatened.

….. Myanmar military has been accused of "textbook ethnic cleansing" in their campaign of mass killing, gang-rape and arson against Rohingya. Within months of brutal military offensive launched in August 2017, more than 700,000 Rohingya fled to neighbouring Bangladesh.

…. According to the UN, the Rohingya are currently the most persecuted community in the world.

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