Mittwoch, 16. Januar 2019

Opinion: Blaming European anti-Semitism on Palestinians and Muslims

The German and Austrian far right is incorporating Zionism into ultranationalism to whitewash its bloody past. 

In November 2018, a conference entitled Europe beyond anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism: Securing Jewish life in Europe, organised by Austria's right-wing government, was held in the Austrian capital, Vienna. The one-day event wrapped up with the issuing of a final communique which stressed that Austria is committed to "fighting every form of anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism" and claimed that "anti-Semitism is nowadays oftentimes manifest in exaggerated and disproportionate criticism against Israel." 

….. they actively promote the notion that anti-Semitism is not just anti-Jewish racism, but also anti-Zionism and hence any criticism of Israeli policies is anti-Semitic. By extension, they suggest that modern-day anti-Semitism is actually "imported" to Germany, Austria and elsewhere in Europe by Middle Eastern refugees and migrants.
These notions are nested comfortably in German and Austrian political culture, which - heavily influenced by the horrors of the Holocaust - tends to equate Judaism with Zionism and Israel. Thus, German and Austrian politicians across the political spectrum tend to see Israel as representing all Jews around the world and hence, any Israeli policy (however deadly and destructive it might be) as being implemented in the best interest of all Jewish people.

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