Montag, 14. Januar 2019

Denationalisation: A punishment reserved for Muslims

 Recent examples of expatriation practices in the UK and Australia demonstrate a glaring anti-Muslim bias.
In the name of "safeguarding" civilisation, the forces waging the "war on terror" have revived a form of punishment once described by the United States Supreme Court as "more primitive than torture": the stripping of citizenship.

…. But despite these extreme effects of expatriation, a number of countries claiming to be the foremost defenders of human rights have enacted laws enabling them to strip citizenship from those they deem "terrorists" or otherwise undesirable, including the United Kingdom, France, Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands, Canada (subsequently revoked) and Australia.

…. The UK's home secretary has almost unfettered discretion to relieve individuals of their British citizenship - no legal trial or conviction necessary - if he or she decides it is "conducive to the public good". 

…. The targeting of Australian Muslim with expatriation measures reflects the prevailing preoccupation with Muslim sources of "ideological extremism" in Australian society. Yet "the attention given to what is represented as Islamic extremism is far out of proportion to its impact in Australian society, which is close to Zero.....

…. The campaign to strip citizenship from so-called "extremists" exposes the "extremism" of the "war on terror" itself - which has progressively normalised the idea that Muslims accused of being dangerous should be "cast out" not only from Western law and politics, but from the ambit of human rights altogether.
full article on aljezeera

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