Montag, 24. Dezember 2018

The rise of hipster colonialism

The proposal that foreign powers acquire land in Africa to stem migration is nothing but 'hipster' colonialism.

Last week, Germany's Africa Commissioner Gunter Nooke said that European countries should be allowed to lease land and to build and run cities in Africa as a means of stemming what he views as the unchecked expansion of migration from Africa to Europe. For Nooke, allowing the "free development" of these areas would stimulate African economies and create "growth and prosperity" and therefore, reduce the attractiveness of Europe as a destination for migration. 

…… Understandably, there has also been considerable pushback. The word "colonialism" has been raised, with critics arguing that Germany, especially, with its history of violent colonialism and genocide in Namibia, Cameroon, Tanzania and Togo, has no moral authority to even table such an idea. More broadly, many African countries are still struggling to recover from the damage from European colonisation. In many African countries, land tenure is still irregular and skewed to wealthy and often white minorities, engendering generational economic exclusion. 

……. Many of those speaking in favour of this proposal do so it in sterile and agnostic terms, focusing on the economic dimensions and the potential financial growth and leaving out the most important element - the people involved and affected. Underneath this is a reductive premise that human beings, and Africans specifically, are not as fully actualised human beings who deserve holistic life experiences - Africans are just labour or economic opportunities.

…..Ultimately, hipster colonialism and Nooke's proposal is yet another reminder that we need to re-centre people in our policymaking - it can't just be about money - and that the road to solutions begins quite simply with reading a history book.

 full article on aljazeera

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