Sonntag, 23. Dezember 2018

'Combat Proven': Israel's thriving war business in Europe

Europe is increasingly sharing Israel's racist approach to border security and adopting its deadly technologies.

……. After two days of deliberations, some 150 nations signed the Global Compact for Migration (GCM) agreement, which called for the implementation of more humane policies to ensure "safe, orderly and regular migration".
But the conference and the agreement were very much a platform for Western doublespeak and hypocrisy. European countries and the United States are by far not concerned with the "safety" of migrants and refugees heading for their borders.
In fact, the border security industry in Europe and the US is thriving and in both places, Israel with its infamous militarised security policies is serving as a role model and a major technology supplier. It is therefore no surprise that European and US border control mechanisms are increasingly becoming as brutal and inhumane as Israel's.
……. It is ironic - and quite telling - that these companies that are feeding weapons to the Middle East and its conflicts are the same ones that are earning massive income from selling technologies used to stave off people fleeing these same conflicts.
While such businesses are aiding the systematic destruction of entire Middle Eastern countries, they are also contributing towards the increasingly popular idea that "Fortress Europe" needs militarised protection. 
What is enabling the Israeli-EU cooperation and empowering Israel as "Europe's protector" is the congruence between the far-right pro-Israel political discourse and the far-right populist movements that are plaguing Europe.

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