Freitag, 14. Dezember 2018

Fears of growing far right in Australia amid 'Deplorables' tour

Founder of Proud Boys gang denied visa to enter Australia, but many warn right-wing groups aren't going away.

Melbourne, Australia - "Tommy Robinson's real name is Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon. He changed it to hide the fact he is a life-long Nazi," said an activist addressing a rally outside Australia's Department of Home Affairs in Melbourne in late November.
"He was a member of the fascist British National Party in the 2000s and a march of 15,000 people organised while he was in jail in June this year saw marchers giving the Nazi salute in his honour."
….. "Pat Robinson was making comments like that in the United States and the first time I heard that line was when Geert Wilders visited Australia in 2014."
Members of far-right parties have enjoyed increased electoral success in Australia in recent years. Hanson, who rallied against Asian migration and Aboriginals in the 1990s, was re-elected to the Senate in 2016 on a policy platform hostile to Muslims and refugees. Her party One Nation - which has called for a travel ban from Muslim countries, a boycott of halal-certified products and an end to "government funding of radical Islamic politics, dressed up as 'arts and culture'" - won nine percent of the popular vote in the state of Queensland...…
…… "The discussion around banning Muslim immigration is a good example for this mainstreaming and pushing the boundaries of social norms. Five years ago, we wouldn't have had opinion polls asking Australians about their view on a religiously discriminatory immigration regime," he said…..
…… "In Australian society, we already are hearing people in the highest office legitimising, amplifying this hate against communities who are already marginalised," Senator Faruqi said. "We're seeing this rise of Islamophobia and I think what this tour will do is further exacerbate that."...….

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