Montag, 17. Dezember 2018

Palestinian self-home demolitions: 'A new level of depravity'

Facing fines and jail time, East Jerusalem brothers see no other option than to demolish their homes themselves.

……. After exhausting all legal options in June, when the Israeli court ruled that additional floor must be demolished before December 10, Murad and Johar made the difficult decision to demolish the additional apartments themselves.
Self-demolition is the cheaper option, Murad said, adding that if the room were not demolished before the deadline, the Israeli authorities would do it anyway, as well as impose a fine and jail time for his brother Johar……
…. Home demolitions are common in East Jerusalem.
According to Israeli human rights organisation B'tselem, Israel has demolished 782 homes in the past several years, leaving more than 2,000 Palestinians homeless. About 103 additional homes, soon to be 104, were destroyed by the owners to avoid fines.
Restrictive Israeli policies on home construction in East Jerusalem are part of a wider two-tiered discriminatory Israeli plan aimed at solidifying a Jewish majority in Jerusalem, according to Human Rights Watch.....

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