Mittwoch, 22. November 2017

The Ratko Mladic disease infecting Europe

Ratko Mladic and war-time Republika Srpska President Radovan Karadzic (sentenced to 40 years in prison by the ICTY) started their bloody campaign in 1992. Under their command, people were mercilessly killed, raped, tortured, expelled from their homes, burned alive, and mutilated. All that was happening in the heart of Europe, while the European Union and its institutions were being established, celebrated, and praised as something that would bring hope, peace and stability for all. 
........... By not reacting on time to stop mass crimes being committed, Western leaders sent a message to everybody in the world that it is OK to kill other people, and to promote dangerous, ultranationalist ideas. That it is OK to commit genocide, and the world will pretend it is something else, just a small regional conflict among some tribal people. That it is OK to be a fascist, but just call it something else..........

lesenswerte Meinung auf aljazeera !!!!!!!!!

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