Donnerstag, 25. Juli 2019

What to expect from Prime Minister Boris Johnson?

Johnson, much like Trump, is a politician who knows no red lines.

Tomorrow Boris Johnson will become Britain's Prime Minister...… Johnson made his reputation as a journalist whose distortions and mistruths shaped the British right-wing attitudes towards Europe in the 1990s. Last week he was at it again, waving around a fish that symbolised the great injustices of EU regulations. It was later pointed out that said regulation had actually been introduced, as so often, by Britain. But that doesn't bother Johnson.....

….. Johnson's rule-breaking gets still darker. The bigotry he has used is now notorious (women who wear the niqab are "letter boxes", Africans are "piccaninnies" with "watermelon smiles", gay people are "tank-topped bumboys")….
He is seen as the great Brexiteer, which is why he has been elected by an increasingly extreme Conservative Party base. He has promised to leave the EU on October 31 come hell or high water, even if that means leaving with no deal. Even if it means taking the extraordinary step, without precedent, of suspending parliament and acting by decree….

Leaks from the secret talks going on showed that US officials were desperate to prise Britain away from Europe and towards US-style standards and regulations. They made it pretty clear that a special tax on the BigTech companies like Amazon and Facebook, something already proceeding in France and proposed by the British government, would likely not be possible under a US trade deal. We also know there will be no US trade deal unless the UK accepts US-style food standards and the undermining of public services like the NHS.....

…. He has pledged to cut taxes on the highest earners. And he wants to introduce the Australian points-system on migrants, ensuring Britain only creams off the most brilliant and useful migrants for big business based here….

….. Nothing he says can be trusted, and his lying seems pathological. But what is clear is that, like Trump, he is a politician without the normal constraints or red lines. He will do anything to hold onto power.....

…. What's more Johnson's historical beliefs can be easily adapted to the wave of authoritarian populism sweeping the planet. The rise of Trump, Bolsanaro, Duterte, Modi and their ilk is not simply about the "left behind" being whipped up by racists and populists. It is that this model of capitalism has become incompatible with the preservation of liberal democracy…..

article on aljazeera

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