Freitag, 12. Juli 2019

11 Lessons about Srebrenica genocide 'unwelcome' in Brussels

 Exhibit that was scheduled be held in European Parliament cancelled after certain members disapproved of its Content.

"It's important that we talk about this theme and with as many details as possible. If we don't look at the causes then we don't get a complete image of genocide," Karcic said.
"That's why it was important to hold this exhibit in parliament to show how nationalists, right-wing movements can very quickly turn to mass killings in the centre of Europe."
….. The return and rise of far-right groups across Europe and controversial policies targeting minorities in the United States have alarmed the public, and what happened in Srebrenica has become more relevant than ever as it serves as a reminder of how the "impossible" can quickly and easily unravel into a reality.

Marko Hoare, a historian of the Balkans and associate professor at the Sarajevo School of Science and Technology told Al Jazeera that he doesn't find it surprising that EP members changed their mind since
"the EU is an institution for which the veneer is everything".
"The Bosnian genocide is a subject they would rather either forget, or acknowledge only in the safest and most token way," Hoare said.
"The EU and many of its leading members, to a greater or lesser extent, were heavily implicated in the genocide. And today, some of its members are either playing with Islamophobia for which the Bosnian genocide does not fit the narrative, or else they are oriented towards friendship with Russia or Serbia.
So the cancelling of Karcic's exhibition was overdetermined."

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