Sonntag, 7. Juli 2019

Anti-racists outnumber far-right Proud Boys at DC rally

…. The Proud Boys are a self-described pro-Western, chauvinist "fraternity" who has been classified by the Southern Poverty Law Center as a hate group.

Separated from the far-right rally by heavy metal barricades and police, hundreds of counterprotesters - largely DC residents, in contrast with their far-right counterparts - held a rally of their own in the adjacent Pershing Park.
…. "This is how you shut down Nazis," said counterprotester and DC resident Rachel Gregory. "They don't go away when you ignore them. As a white person, I can pass anywhere. That's why I need to use that privilege," she said.
…. Far-right political commentator and founder of the Proud Boys Gavin McInnes took the stage to predict the re-election of President Donald Trump and disparage his ideological opponents. 
…. Other right-wing personalities who had been advertised as speakers, including former Trump adviser Roger Stone and Pizzagate conspiracy theorist Mike Cernovich, failed to turn up.

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