Mittwoch, 19. Januar 2022

Plandemicseries - Dokumentationen zum Thema Plandemie

Plandemic1 is the only independent movie to reach over one billion views, Plandemic1 is accredited for being first to warn the world of the crimes against humanity that are now out in the open.

Plandemic2 set a world record with 2 million unique viewers tuning into the global premier.

Plandemic3 is currently in production, slated for release summer of 2022.

The focus of Plandemic3 is to stop the indoctrination and trafficking of our children and end the tyranny that’s threatening our freedoms and future.

It was the uniqueness of the distribution model that allowed Plandemic to reach 1/8 of our global populations. Produced on 100% donations, Plandemic was offered as a gift to the people. In turn, it was the people who shared the series around the world.

Let’s make history once again!

Link für Videos: Home - Plandemic (

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