Mittwoch, 29. September 2021

The Graphene Oxide Prison

 ..... So when a controversial study comes along showing that these injections may contain a toxic substance called graphene oxide the allowed spectrum of debate is quickly alight and the bigger picture is missed by all but a few.

.....  The analysis conducted by the team at the University of Almeria has it’s flaws but concerns over the presence of graphene oxide in the Pfizer vaccines, and elsewhere in our environment, should be given serious consideration.

But first, let’s address some of the issues with the analysis:

  • The analysis is an interim report needing further study.
  • The analysis was commissioned.
  • The origin of Pfizer vial used in this analysis is unknown.
  • Graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide are, at times, used interchangeably.
  • Comparative images of graphene oxide are of different magnification levels.

For an in-depth look at these concerns and others that arise from this analysis we recommend watching world class researcher, Whitney Webb’s recent appearance over at The Last American Vagabond where they dive into this analysis.

Just because this study currently stands on scientifically shaky grounds does not mean that the theory that graphene oxide is in fact in these injections should be dismissed. The substance has also already been discovered in face masks in Canada and Spain while patents in China (12) that explore the possibility of using graphene oxide in COVID19 vaccines are pending.

It is also curious graphene oxide can be made to have magnetic properties which would explain the countless videos circulating online of magnets sticking to those who’ve been injected with these so-called vaccines. More research on this phenomenon is certainly needed but a recent “statistical and sociological” survey conducted by the European Forum for Vaccine Vigilance in Luxemburg found that 29 of the 30 “vaccinated” individuals interviewed showed attraction to the magnet at the site of injection.

Additionally, it has been shown that graphene oxide can cause blood clots and damage lungs.....

The Graphene Oxide Prison - What About The Roads?

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