Dienstag, 3. März 2020

The Myth of Hindu Genocide in Kashmir Continues to Stalk Muslims

.... In short, Kashmir’s Muslims did not carry out genocide against the Hindu minority.

All in all, a sum total of 219 Kashmiri Pandits were killed during a 15 year period spanning 1989 to 2004, according to an investigation carried out by the Indian government’s Ministry of Home Affairs in 2005.

Without intending to minimize this violence or Pandit suffering, it’s worth noting that tens of thousands of Muslims were killed or disappeared by Indian security forces during this same period.

If genocide has taken place in the disputed valley, then it’s the decades long slaughter of Kashmiri Muslims at the hands of radicalized Hindu Indian soldiers…...

Moreover, violence against Kashmiri Pandits in 1989–90 took place within the context of a sustained rebellion against Indian rule in Kashmir, with Islamic militants selectively assassinating spies and Indian military collaborators. During a six month period, more than 100 such killings were carried out, culminating with the assassination of BJP’s president in J&K.

These targeted politically motivated killings not only paralyzed the Indian controlled government in the valley, but spread a wave of fear throughout the Kashmir Pandit community. This fear sparked a mass exodus.

It should also be noted that Muslims who were perceived to be beneficiaries or patrons of the Indian government and military were also targeted by militants, which emphasizes the political motives of this violence, and thus undermining New Delhi’s effort to locate it within a religious context.

Moreover, communal violence had never been a feature of the relationship between the two religious communities, with the territory’s Muslims and Hindus living side-by-side without anxiety for centuries….

full article to read on:

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