Mittwoch, 22. Januar 2020

New Horrors: China Harvesting Muslim Organs in Concentration Camps.

Published by CJ Werleman Independent, a crowdfunded and independent investigative journalism project that seeks to expose and end injustices against Muslims around the world. Please SUPPORT his fight against injustice and the Islamophobia Industry by clicking HERE.
“I was called by my chief surgeon to go to a room near the Urumqi execution grounds to remove the liver and two kidneys from an executed prisoner,” Enver Tohti, an exiled Uyghur oncology surgeon, told me. “It turned out he wasn’t fully dead because they [Chinese execution squad] shot him through the right chest [intentionally] to knock him out [without killing him], so I would have time to remove his organs,” a surgery his chief surgeon demand he perform without giving the prisoner an anaesthetic.

Tohti would see the man’s still beating heart as he removed his kidneys and liver.
This deliberately botched execution of a Uyghur prisoner took place in 1995, and would be the first time Tohti witnessed and unwittingly participated in China’s live organ harvesting program, telling a UK newspaper in 2013 that it wasn’t years later until he realized what he had been a part of, and just how widespread and systematic the practice had become in the Uyghur Muslim majority region.
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