Mittwoch, 22. Januar 2020

Muslims Are Being “Slaughtered on Demand” For Their Organs in China

What will it take before the international community does anything meaningful to pressure China into ending what has become the world’s largest industrial scale persecution of a religious minority since the Holocaust?

Will it take photographs of dead bodies piled on top of each other, or satellite footage of chimney stacks spewing the smoky remains of gassed Muslim concentration camp detainees into the atmosphere?
Or how about further credible allegations that China is harvesting, marketing and selling organs removed from executed Muslim concentration camp detainees?
In an interview given to a Chinese language channel, a Chinese woman identified as Ms. Aili described how she had personally witnessed China’s live organ harvesting program in practice in 2006 at the Department of Liver Transplantation, Tianjin Taida Hospital located in the Binhai area of the city of Tianjin, China.

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