Mittwoch, 22. Januar 2020

I Cured My Islamophobia. You Can Too

Like all forms of racism, Islamophobia constructs and informs a seductive narrative, one that is easily digestible, and one that promises to make the complex more palpable.
Hello, my name is CJ and I’m a recovering Islamophobe.

Islamophobia is a form of racism that only Islamophobes deny exists. “I’m not a racist because Islam isn’t a race,” they tell themselves. But Islamophobia is not only real, it’s also the unwanted bastard child of white supremacy, no different to its siblings anti-Semitism, Acrophobia, and xenophobia.
In other words, the fear of Muslims resides in the same place as white man’s fear of Jews, people of African descent, and migrants — all of which have been shaped by Western civilization’s torid history of colonial abuse and ongoing discrimination and persecution of minorities.
In case the point needs further emphasis — Islamophobia is most definitely real, most certainly one of the great threats to attaining or maintaining a cohesive society, and it’s engulfing the world, including nation states that have long been considered the bastions of pluralism and tolerance.

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