Mittwoch, 22. Januar 2020

I Cured My Islamophobia. You Can Too

Like all forms of racism, Islamophobia constructs and informs a seductive narrative, one that is easily digestible, and one that promises to make the complex more palpable.
Hello, my name is CJ and I’m a recovering Islamophobe.

Islamophobia is a form of racism that only Islamophobes deny exists. “I’m not a racist because Islam isn’t a race,” they tell themselves. But Islamophobia is not only real, it’s also the unwanted bastard child of white supremacy, no different to its siblings anti-Semitism, Acrophobia, and xenophobia.
In other words, the fear of Muslims resides in the same place as white man’s fear of Jews, people of African descent, and migrants — all of which have been shaped by Western civilization’s torid history of colonial abuse and ongoing discrimination and persecution of minorities.
In case the point needs further emphasis — Islamophobia is most definitely real, most certainly one of the great threats to attaining or maintaining a cohesive society, and it’s engulfing the world, including nation states that have long been considered the bastions of pluralism and tolerance.

Muslims Are Being “Slaughtered on Demand” For Their Organs in China

What will it take before the international community does anything meaningful to pressure China into ending what has become the world’s largest industrial scale persecution of a religious minority since the Holocaust?

Will it take photographs of dead bodies piled on top of each other, or satellite footage of chimney stacks spewing the smoky remains of gassed Muslim concentration camp detainees into the atmosphere?
Or how about further credible allegations that China is harvesting, marketing and selling organs removed from executed Muslim concentration camp detainees?
In an interview given to a Chinese language channel, a Chinese woman identified as Ms. Aili described how she had personally witnessed China’s live organ harvesting program in practice in 2006 at the Department of Liver Transplantation, Tianjin Taida Hospital located in the Binhai area of the city of Tianjin, China.

Measuring the Secret Cost of Islamophobia.

Published by CJ Werleman Independent, a crowdfunded and independent investigative journalism project that seeks to expose and end injustices against Muslims around the world. Please SUPPORT his fight against injustice and the Islamophobia Industry by clicking HERE.
Measuring the cost of the anti-Muslim discourse, and by extension the Islamophobia Industry, is typically measured in anti-Muslim hate crimes. In the years spanning 2001 to 2015, there were more than 2,500 anti-Muslim incidents, which targeted more than 3,000 Muslims, according to the FBI.
Even more concerning is the fact hate crimes against Muslims in the United States surged 67% in 2017, no doubt fuelled by the hostile tone and rhetoric US President Trump has used to demonize Muslims and Islam, while hate crimes against Muslims have surged in the UK and Europe, no doubt fuelled by the kind of anti-immigrant sentiments expressed by re-energized far-right political parties.

New Horrors: China Harvesting Muslim Organs in Concentration Camps.

Published by CJ Werleman Independent, a crowdfunded and independent investigative journalism project that seeks to expose and end injustices against Muslims around the world. Please SUPPORT his fight against injustice and the Islamophobia Industry by clicking HERE.
“I was called by my chief surgeon to go to a room near the Urumqi execution grounds to remove the liver and two kidneys from an executed prisoner,” Enver Tohti, an exiled Uyghur oncology surgeon, told me. “It turned out he wasn’t fully dead because they [Chinese execution squad] shot him through the right chest [intentionally] to knock him out [without killing him], so I would have time to remove his organs,” a surgery his chief surgeon demand he perform without giving the prisoner an anaesthetic.

Tohti would see the man’s still beating heart as he removed his kidneys and liver.
This deliberately botched execution of a Uyghur prisoner took place in 1995, and would be the first time Tohti witnessed and unwittingly participated in China’s live organ harvesting program, telling a UK newspaper in 2013 that it wasn’t years later until he realized what he had been a part of, and just how widespread and systematic the practice had become in the Uyghur Muslim majority region.
read on here:

The reality of human organ harvesting in China

PEOPLE are secretly executed or sedated on a surgeon’s table as their organs are removed one by one.

IMAGINE being abducted and whisked away to a cell where you spend the next several months or years with no charge or conviction.
WARNING: Disturbing content
There, authorities torture you and force you to watch films designed to brainwash in a bid to align your views with those of China’s ruling Communist Party.
Every now and then you are dragged from your filthy, overcrowded cell into a room where, without warning, needles are jabbed into your arm and blood is drawn into as many vials as it can fill. Then prison authorities instruct a group of drug addicted criminals to use violence to restrain you as you are made to give a urine sample and subjected to invasive medical procedures.
No one responds to your screams or cries for help. No explanation is offered. The process is repeated regularly.
You might make it out alive after years of enduring the brutal treatment. Or you might be secretly executed.
There’s also a strong chance you might die on the operating table after surgeons sedate you and start removing organs from your body, one by one — while you’re still alive.