Dienstag, 18. Juni 2019

Egypt slammed for Morsi's 'terrible but predictable' death

….. Rights groups and international observers had long decried the medical neglect Morsi was suffering during his "harsh" imprisonment, including years of solitary confinement.
"The government of Egypt today bears responsibility for his death, given their failure to provide him with adequate medical care or basic prisoner rights," Human Rights Watch (HRW) said in a statement to Al Jazeera.
…. "The Egyptian government has known very clearly about his declining medical state. He had lost a great deal of weight, he had fainted in court a number of times and was being kept in almost around-the-clock solitary confinement."
…. HRW's statement echoed a report released in March 2018 by a panel of British members of parliament and lawyers, which warned that the lack of medical treatment could result in Morsi's "premature death".

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