Montag, 5. Dezember 2022

Balenciaga Reveals Another Creepy Fashion Campaign Featuring Art That Glamorizes Pedophilia And Cannibalism


Renowned fashion brand Balenciaga was pressured into taking down its recent campaign that featured young girls holding teddy bears wearing bondage gear and standing on top of court documents about child pornography. However, their most recent campaign that replaced the creepy photos of minors is just as twisted and dark, featuring art that glamorizes pedophilia, cannibalism, and slavery.

...... The whole campaign was so creepy and disturbing that it caused an uproar online. This prompted Balenciaga to remove the photos altogether from the website and issue an apology. However, the damage was already done and many people are wondering if the "conspiracy theorists" had it right all along by suggesting that child pornography and child exploitation is rampant and all too common in the world of Hollywood and media. Balenciaga replaced the children's photos on their website with content that is just as disturbing, and it involves children yet again.....

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