Sonntag, 11. Dezember 2022

Kommen die Klimaverbote? Ihr werdet in eurem Vorort getrackt werden und darüber glücklich sein

Die 15-Minuten-Stadt ist ein Plan der UN und des WEF, die sich um Sie kümmern und wollen, dass Sie weniger fahren.

Ein Cartoon vom WEF nur für euch gute Mädchen und Jungs: 

In den eigenen Worten des WEF geht es bei dieser Neuordnung der Städte absolut um den Klimawandel:

Da der Klimawandel und globale Konflikte Schocks und Belastungen in kürzeren Abständen und mit zunehmender Schwere verursachen, wird die 15-Minuten-Stadt noch wichtiger werden.

Und die Lösung war die Pandemie (das sagen sie wirklich):

Die offensichtliche, wenn auch unvollständige Antwort ist die Pandemie…. mit COVID-19 und seinen Varianten, die jeden zu Hause (oder näher an seinem Zuhause als gewöhnlich) halten, wurde die 15-Minuten-Stadt von einem „Nice-to-have“ zu einem Schlachtruf. Wenn man alle seine Bedürfnisse zu Fuß, mit dem Fahrrad oder mit dem öffentlichen Nahverkehr erfüllen kann, geht es plötzlich um Leben und Tod.

Und dann erscheint die dunkle Hand der totalitären Manager, wie James Woudhuysen Ende Oktober in „Spiked“ warnte:

Der Wahnsinn der „15-Minuten-Stadt“

Die grüne Agenda lehnt sich an die illiberalen Tage der Lockdowns an. Zu diesem Zweck will der Grafschaftsrat von Oxfordshire, der von der Labour Party, den Liberaldemokraten und der Grünen Partei geführt wird, die Stadt Oxford in sechs „15-Minuten-Bezirke“ einteilen. In diesen Bezirken sollen die meisten Dinge des täglichen Bedarfs in einer Viertelstunde zu Fuß oder mit dem Fahrrad erreichbar sein, so dass die Bewohner kein Auto mehr benötigen. Oberflächlich betrachtet mögen diese 15-Minuten-Stadtteile angenehm und bequem sein. Aber es gibt auch einen Zwangseffekt. Der Stadtrat plant, die Autonutzung und die Verkehrsbelastung zu verringern, indem er strenge Regeln für Autofahrten aufstellt.

Die Einwohner müssen ihre Autos bei der Stadtverwaltung anmelden, die dann ihre Fahrten durch die Hauptverkehrsknotenpunkte zählen wird. Es ist ein Sozialkreditsystem, das bei Ihrem Auto ansetzt und wie ein Anti-Vielflieger-Punktesystem funktioniert.

Kommen die Klimaverbote? Ihr werdet in eurem Vorort getrackt werden und darüber glücklich sein – (

Assisted dying laws in Canada expanded to include mental illness

What is MAiD? Medical Assistance in Dying

 The corporate media has an established track record of promoting suicide as a solution to climate change, among other trendy political problems.

Social engineers euphemistically rebrand state-facilitated suicide as “medical assistance in dying” (MAID). The Canadian government even produces educational “activity books” to indoctrinate children into the new paradigm early, like this one by Canadian Virtual Hospice:

Proponents of the practice frame state-facilitated suicide as a peculiar form of self-empowerment, taking back the right to end your life on your own terms rather than “someone else”:

“From early-adopting Switzerland to latest-to-the-table Australia, more and more countries are legalising the practice. It is now available to over 280 million people in 11 countries around the world. It was on offer to my mother, who recently (and gratefully) used Canada’s legislation to orchestrate her own wise demise… If we don’t claim the design of our own deaths, it’s likely someone else will…”

Why is Canada euthanising the poor?

...... Since last year, Canadian law, in all its majesty, has allowed both the rich as well as the poor to kill themselves if they are too poor to continue living with dignity. In fact, the ever-generous Canadian state will even pay for their deaths. What it will not do is spend money to allow them to live instead of killing themselves.....

.... It only took five years for the proverbial slope to come into view, when the Canadian parliament enacted Bill C-7, a sweeping euthanasia law which repealed the ‘reasonably foreseeable’ requirement – and the requirement that the condition should be ‘terminal’. Now, as long as someone is suffering from an illness or disability which ‘cannot be relieved under conditions that you consider acceptable’, they can take advantage of what is now known euphemistically as ‘medical assistance in dying’ (MAID for short) for free.

Why is Canada euthanising the poor? | The Spectator

Glorifying suicide: making euthanasia hip for the liberal crowd

 La Maison Simons, a Canadian fashion house, has recently produced a promotional video glorifying suicide. The advert presents assisted death as the “most beautiful exit”. The young woman who is about to be helped to kill herself informs you that dying in a hospital is not natural, not soft, in these moments you need ‘softness’. Killing softly, apparently, is a reference to the concoction of drugs that is introduced into the body to kill her, first putting her in a coma before inducing cardiac arrest. How natural is a medically assisted death

Simons - All Is Beauty - Glorifying Suicide

'Mature minors' being pushed towards the "assisted suicide" program in C...

Coelho: Medical assistance in dying overused in Canada even before expansion

Canada's medical assistance in dying (MAiD) law is the most permissive euthanasia and assisted-suicide legislation in the world.

Canada's expanding euthanasia laws: Making the unthinkable thinkable again

 “Much that is now unthinkable may at least become thinkable.” Julian Huxley, brother of Brave New World author Aldous Huxley and president of the British Eugenics Society (1959–62), said this when he founded and was Director-General (1946–48) of UNESCO (the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation). The mandate for the new organisation was set out clearly in Huxley’s 1946 UNESCO: Its Purpose and Its Philosophy:

The moral for UNESCO is clear. The task laid upon it of promoting peace and security can never be wholly realised through the means assigned to it—education, science and culture. It must envisage some form of world political unity, whether through a single world government or otherwise, as the only certain means of avoiding war […] in its educational programme it can stress the ultimate need for a world political unity and familiarise all peoples with the implications of the transfer of full sovereignty from separate nations to a world organisation[Emphasis added]

...... Rees was joined by a Canadian psychiatrist named George Brock Chisholm. In 1948, Chisholm founded a UN-affiliated body called the World Health Organisation (WHO) with the aim of allegedly promoting mental and physical health of the world. As Ehret points out, Chisholm’s mission was effectively the eradication of monotheistic religion, family and patriotism.....

..... UNESCO, the WHO and WFMH worked in tandem to coordinate hundreds of influential sub organisations, universities, research labs, and covert science including the CIA’s MK Ultra in order to bring about the desired “mentally healthy” society cleansed of its connections to Christianity, faith in truthfulness, national patriotism or family....

..... Eugenics (the devaluing of life into a commodity) is a growing theme in the propaganda of the globalists. You and I are disposable entities, with limited use. If not functioning well enough to provide the labour, service and taxes they want, and becoming a burden on the state, then why not kill us off?

Death reborn: Canadian Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD)


Montag, 5. Dezember 2022

Gardasil’s Long Shadow of Autoimmunity Confirmed — Again — by New Study

Girls and young women experiencing complications from Merck’s Gardasil HPV vaccine show symptoms and biological markers of autoimmune conditions, according to a new study published in The Journal of Autoimmunity.

Before experimental COVID-19 shots started taking serious vaccine injuries to new and shocking heightsMerck’s aggressively marketed human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine — the quadrivalent Gardasil jab fast-tracked in 2006 for girls and later also for boys — earned a reputation for being one of the most dangerous vaccines ever approved.

Safety signals were already evident during Gardasil’s clinical trials, and by 2013, researchers were noting the “unusually high frequency of adverse reactions related to HPV vaccines reported worldwide.”

That year, Gardasil’s disproportionately harmful impact — even when compared to other shots that are far from benign — was responsible in the U.S. for three-fifths of all serious vaccine reactions reported in young women under age 30, including 64% of deaths and 81% of cases of permanent disability.

Yet in 2014, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) went ahead and approved Gardasil’s equally treacherous successor, the nine-valent Gardasil 9, and in 2016 — when GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) withdrew its poorly competing bivalent HPV vaccine Cervarix from the U.S. market — Gardasil 9 became “the only game in town.”

Currently, Gardasil 9 is FDA-approved for males and females ages 9 through 45 years.

Gardasil’s Long Shadow of Autoimmunity Confirmed — Again — by New Study • Children's Health Defense (

Vandana Shiva: Bill Gates Is Promoting ‘Surveillance Agriculture’

Prior to World War II, big corporations had no role in growing food, according to Vandana Shiva, Ph.D. “Growing food was an act of care, an act of love,” she said.

Today’s food and agriculture system is “very violent,” Shiva — environmental activist, author and founder of Navdanya International — told comedian and political commentator Russell Brand on a recent episode of his show, “Stay Free with Russell Brand.”

After World War II, “The same corporations that made chemicals for Hitler’s concentration camps [and] poison gases for the war started to trade in food as a commodity, rather than food as nourishment and food as life,” Shiva said.

“Then a bunch of them created junk food and ultra-processed food that’s responsible for 75% of the chronic diseases in our times,” she added.

Vandana Shiva: Bill Gates Is Promoting ‘Surveillance Agriculture’ • Children's Health Defense (

The role of Big Food in the current global cost-of-living crisis and how Gates is promoting “basically a surveillance agriculture.”

Secret Government Reports reveal at least 1.8 Million people have ‘Died Suddenly’ since the roll-out of the COVID Vaccines across the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, NZ & the EU

Further evidence published by the UK Government confirms the most likely cause of these excess deaths is Covid-19 vaccination because mortality rates are lowest among the unvaccinated in every single age group.

Secret Government Reports reveal at least 1.8 Million people have ‘Died Suddenly’ since the roll-out of the COVID Vaccines across the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, NZ & the EU – The Expose (

The Dimming, Full Length Climate Engineering Documentary ( Geoengineerin...

G20 unterzeichnet Erklärung für internationalen Impfpass – Impfpässe sind DAS Tor zur vollständigen, totalitären Kontrolle der Weltbevölkerung


  • Die G20, eine Gruppe von 19 Nationen – darunter die USA – sowie die Europäische Union, haben kürzlich auf ihrem jährlichen Wirtschaftstreffen (B20) auf Bali, Indonesien, erklärt, dass ein von der Weltgesundheitsorganisation standardisierter digitaler Impfpass künftig Teil der internationalen Pandemieprävention und -bekämpfung sein wird
  • Die Regelung für standardisierte internationale Impfpässe wird im Rahmen einer Revision der internationalen Gesundheitsvorschriften bei der nächsten Weltgesundheitsversammlung in Genf eingeführt
  • Die G20-Empfehlungen umfassen auch die Erstellung von Leitlinien für eine global koordinierte Reaktion auf Krisen, die „durch eine technologiegestützte, ständig verfügbare globale Gesundheitsinfrastruktur“ verbessert wird, sowie die gegenseitige Anerkennung von COVID-19-Impfstoffen der G20-Mitglieder
  • Präsident Biden unterzeichnete die Erklärung trotz der Versprechungen seines Leiters des COVID-19-Reaktionsteams im Weißen Haus, Jeff Zients, der im April 2021 erklärte: „Ich möchte klarstellen, dass die Regierung weder jetzt noch in Zukunft ein System unterstützen wird, das von den Amerikanern verlangt, einen [Impfausweis] mit sich zu führen“.
  • Die Tatsache, dass die COVID-Impfungen die Ausbreitung der Infektion nicht verhindern, ist inzwischen vielfach belegt. Das allein beweist, dass Impfpässe nicht dazu dienen, Epidemien einzudämmen. Ein internationaler Impfpass ist das Einfallstor für eine totale totalitäre Kontrolle, denn damit wird das gesamte Kontrollnetz um eine Person geknüpft

Sterbehilfe: Kanada meldet eine Verzehnfachung in 5 Jahren auf über 10.000 Todesfälle im Jahr 2021

Das Thema lässt sich leicht auf das Wesentliche reduzieren, um es zu diskutierenManche Menschen befinden sich zum Zeitpunkt ihres Todes in großer Not und sollten dabei unterstützt werden, einfach und friedlich zu sterben, wenn sie dies wünschen.
Die Beihilfe zum Suizid eröffnet einen schmalen Grat, auf dem sich die Sterbehilfe für Menschen in extremer Not ausweiten kann:

a) Ärzte entscheiden, wer leben und wer sterben soll;

b) Menschen mit Depressionen, Drogenmissbrauch oder schlechten sozioökonomischen Bedingungen, die vielleicht kurzzeitig sterben wollen, dies ohne ausreichende Zeit und Überlegung zu ermöglichen.

weiterlesen: Sterbehilfe: Kanada meldet eine Verzehnfachung in 5 Jahren auf über 10.000 Todesfälle im Jahr 2021 – (

Balenciaga Reveals Another Creepy Fashion Campaign Featuring Art That Glamorizes Pedophilia And Cannibalism


Renowned fashion brand Balenciaga was pressured into taking down its recent campaign that featured young girls holding teddy bears wearing bondage gear and standing on top of court documents about child pornography. However, their most recent campaign that replaced the creepy photos of minors is just as twisted and dark, featuring art that glamorizes pedophilia, cannibalism, and slavery.

...... The whole campaign was so creepy and disturbing that it caused an uproar online. This prompted Balenciaga to remove the photos altogether from the website and issue an apology. However, the damage was already done and many people are wondering if the "conspiracy theorists" had it right all along by suggesting that child pornography and child exploitation is rampant and all too common in the world of Hollywood and media. Balenciaga replaced the children's photos on their website with content that is just as disturbing, and it involves children yet again.....

more articles: 

Samstag, 3. Dezember 2022


 Video sehen: COUNTDOWN 2030 - PART 1 (

By 2030, you will OWN NOTHING and be HAPPY.
This is not just a slogan or a conspiracy theory.
This is 1 of the 8 World Economic Forum (WEF) predictions. Watch their video

WEF was born out of a CIA-funded Harvard program headed by Klaus Schwab’s mentor, Henry Kissinger. Sulzer AG, in Schwab's earlier years, where he was director, would go on to break international law by aiding the South African apartheid regime in its illegal thermonuclear bomb program.

Klaus Schwab, founder & executive Chairman of the WEF, in his book, "COVID-19: The Great Reset" published a few months after the start of Covid 19 outlines his plans for the world. Quoting Schwab, WEF’s Young Global Leaders have penetrated numerous Countries’ Cabinets and become Presidents, Prime Ministers, or CEOs. During the coronavirus pandemic, several WEF Young Global Leaders played prominent roles, promoting zero-covid strategies, lockdowns, mask mandates, and digital ‘vaccine’ passports. In contrast, there was a totally opposite approach from those who are not affiliated with the WEF.

Unfortunately, it is very difficult to get the truth, with the censorship of independent professors, doctors, journalists & politicians and the fact that mainstream media, Google & ‘fact checkers’ are funded & controlled by the same people behind this diabolical plan.

This might be the most important 1 hour 40 min you spend, unless you don’t mind ending up ‘owning nothing’, being tracked & 24/7 surveilled (under your skin, as per WEF Agenda Contributor, Yuval Noah Harari) and ending up with CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency), UBI (Universal Basic Income) and eventually Social Credit System.

The "Great Reset” echoes the real, unspoken of plans behind UN Agenda 21, now known as Agenda 2030. (more of this in Part 2) Lastly, to understand why they say “you will be happy” when you own nothing, is where the METAVERSE comes in (more of this in Part 2),

Call to action: Please share this film. Knowledge is power. Lets work together to co-create a future independent from the WEF, WHO & UN

Be critical thinkers and do your own research. Here are links to the excerpts used in this video, curated in South Africa:

DIED SUDDENLY: The Film They Don't Want You To See

Reports of sudden deaths with unknown or strange causes. Athletes collapsing on the field. Deadly cancers after recent diagnosis. Blood clots, unlike anything ever seen before. What is going on? The film, ‘Died Suddenly’ exposes the tragic agenda behind excess mortality and shocking autopsies. Today, on ‘Good Morning CHD,’ viewers witness a jaw-dropping discussion with the filmmakers. Don’t miss it!

Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda - Video

In this documentary film, you’ll learn:The chilling, harrowing story of how a World Health Organization (WHO) population control experiment, under the guise of a vaccination program, resulted in the sterilization of millions of women in Africa without their knowledge or consent.

How the ability to carry a pregnancy to term has been tragically stripped away from these women as their government attempts to cover up the evidence.

About a brave, Kenyan doctor — Dr. Stephen Karanja — who warned the world that once they’re done with Africa, they’re coming for the children and everyone else.

Perspectives from leading experts expressing their concerns regarding other vaccines that could cause infertility in women around the world, including the COVID shot.

Uninformed Consent — Parts 1 + 2

An in depth look into the COVID-19 narrative, who’s controlling it and how it’s being used to inject an untested, new technology into almost every person on the planet. The film explores how the narrative is being used to strip us of our human rights while weaving in the impact of mandates in a deeply powerful story of one man's tragic loss.

Hear the truth from doctors and scientists not afraid to stand up against Big Pharma and the elite class who profit from mandates.

BROUGHT TO YOU BY: Director Todd Michael Harris — Matador Films Executive Producers Ted Kuntz — President — Vaccine Choice Canada Odessa Orlewicz — Partner —

Vaxxed 2 - Video

Vaxxed II: In 2016, a media firestorm erupted when Tribeca Film Festival abruptly censored its documentary selection, VAXXED: From Coverup to Catastrophe, amid pressure from pro-pharmaceutical interests.

In response to media silence on CDC whistleblower, Dr. William Thompson, who admitted to fraud on a pivotal vaccine safety study, VAXXED catapulted to notoriety and became a worldwide trending topic, opening to sold out theater audiences nationwide. Stunned by the immense volume of parents lining up outside the theaters with vaccine injury stories to share, VAXXED producer Polly Tommey began to livestream worldwide reaching millions, and a community that had once been silenced were empowered to rise up. In VAXXED II: The People’s Truth, Polly and the team travel over 50,000 miles in the USA and around the world. Interviews of parents and doctors with nothing to gain and everything to lose exposed the vaccine injury epidemic and asked the question on every parent’s mind, “Are vaccines really as safe and effective as we’ve been told?”