Donnerstag, 6. Februar 2020

Peace plans have no function except to serve Israel’s colonial takeover of Palestine

..... Right and wrong in this lawless space has been surrendered to the coloniser’s logic: “The strong do what they will, and the weak suffer what they must.”
No plan to end the conflict has been able to escape this reality. All such efforts played a performative function to advance the slow erasure of Palestine off the map. From the 1917 Balfour Declaration — which was seized upon for the creation of a self-declared Jewish State by the promise of support for a “Jewish homeland” — to the 1993 Oslo process, every attempt to find a solution has been seized by Israel as an opportunity to lockdown its land grab, secure new negotiating positions and exact new concessions from the Palestinians. Peace plans have been nothing more than new staging grounds for the mounting of fresh attacks on the Palestinian national movement….

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