Mittwoch, 21. August 2019

UAE to award India’s Modi highest honour amidst growing concern over fate of Kashmir

The UAE is set to honour India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi with the highest civilian award amid growing concerns over the BJP leader’s record on human rights and support for far-right Hindu nationalism.
Modi will visit the Gulf for three days later this week. In his first stop, Abu Dhabi, he will receive the UAE’s highest civil honour, the “Order of Zayed” during a private ceremony set to take place on Saturday night.
… Hindu nationalists known as the Hindutva. Modi is a life-long member of the group whose founding ideology draws inspiration from right-wing fascist European groups, including Hitler and Mussolini.
Followers of Hindutva seek to define India in terms of Hindu values alone. This has often led to the targeting of minorities whose place in India under rising Hindu nationalism is gravely threatened, along with India’s much vaunted democracy. As the chief minister of Gujarat, Modi presided over the worst communal bloodletting in India’s recent history in 2002, when 1,000 Muslims are said to have been slaughtered by sword-wielding Hindus. He earned the title of “the butcher of Gujarat” as a result and was accused of abetting the mobs. His alleged involvement in the massacre prompted the US to deny him a visa, and Britain and the European Union to boycott him.
The UAE’s decision to honour Modi has come under sharp criticism from British Member of Parliament Naz Shah.....

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