Sonntag, 17. Februar 2019

Israel's Judaisation of Palestine is failing

Decades of Israeli efforts to demolish, destroy, rename, rewrite and erase everything Palestinian have been in vain.

….. "The Islamic and Christian holy sites and endowments are targeted in order to change our city, hide its identity and marginalise our Arabic and Palestinian existence," the archbishop added…..

….. But the truth is that there is a systematic campaign to strip not just the holy city off of its Palestinian character, but also the whole of Palestine….

…. Israel's disregard for the historical rights of Palestinians is deeply rooted in Zionist ideology. Indeed, from the very start, Zionist ideologues promoted the idea that Palestine was a place bereft of culture or heritage - an arid desert, waiting for Zionist pioneers to make it "bloom".
For those claims to acquire a degree of plausibility and for the myth of Palestine as "a land without a people for a people without a land" to be solidified, the Zionist movement needed to erase the very existence of the Palestinian People...
…. On July 19, 2018, the Israeli Knesset passed the "nation-state bill", practically making apartheid official by defining Israel as the national homeland of the Jewish people and marginalising Palestinians, their history and language. However, that bill was the mere culmination of decades-long efforts. …..
……. The Israeli Zionist campaign to rename Palestinian places, destroy Palestinian heritage sites, claim Palestinian culture, undermine the Arabic language and erase cultural contributions of the Palestinian people has continued for over 70 years now. ….
… Yet, despite all of this destruction, on intellectual and political levels, Israel still remains insecure about its past and uncertain of its future….
…. Israel refuses to accept the fact that the Palestinians' relationship with their land cannot be dictated or terminated by violence, Knesset bills or army decrees. To the contrary, the more aggression is unleashed onto the Palestinians, the stronger the Palestinian sense of nationhood grows….

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