Freitag, 1. Februar 2019

Exposed: China's surveillance of Muslim Uighurs

As China faces increasing criticism over its treatment of its Muslim population, new details emerge about how Beijing spies on Uighurs at home and abroad.

….. Amat is Uighur. A Muslim ethnic-minority group in China, Uighurs have been the target of a major crackdown by the government in Beijing. A United Nations human rights panel says this has led to up to a million people being imprisoned, in what the Chinese call "reeducation centres"...…
…… Al Jazeera spoke to more than a dozen former detainees. Many confirm they either witnessed or were themselves tortured and abused in these centres.  

…. "They want to delete Uighur. They want Uighurs to believe the Chinese Communist Party is God," Ayup says.
After being released, Ayup says he feared he would be locked up again, so he fled with his family to Turkey. Uighurs share a long history with the country and thousands have settled there in the last decade.
In Istanbul, Ayup has been documenting the stories of Uighur detainees….

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