Sonntag, 24. Februar 2019

European Values???? Abuse, 'survival sex' a stark reality for child migrants

Growing number of unaccompanied migrant children are exploited in transit and country of destination, IFRC report says.

Unaccompanied child migrants face dangerous journeys during transit, including abuse and detention, rights organisations have warned, highlighting significant failings in safeguarding unaccompanied minors.
A recent report by UNHCR revealed that nearly 140,000 people arrived in Greece, Italy and Spain in search of safety in 2018. Almost 11,000 of the new arrivals were unaccompanied children.
Additionally, according to the Red Cross, more than 300,000 unaccompanied child migrants are currently at high risk of sexual and gender-based violence during transit. 
read more on aljazeera

Montag, 18. Februar 2019

Violence breeds more violence in Kashmir

As the militarisation of Kashmir has grown, so have victimisation and radicalisation.

Under the Indian rule, having patiently clamoured for the UN-mandated self-determination for decades since 1947 and suffering erosions to the autonomy thrust upon them through the dubious instrument of accession, the Kashmiris are increasingly losing faith in the tools of justice and liberty that this world has to offer. 

Australia's offshore refugee policy has failed

 Such policies may seem like a quick win with some domestic constituencies, but they are not wins in the long run. 

There is also an important lesson here for other countries who might be looking at Australia's policy as an example of how to stoke fear about - and among - people seeking safety..... Ultimately they are inhumane, unlawful, unsustainable, costly, and damaging to a country's reputation. 
(Anmerkung von Spurensuche: Der letzte Absatz ist wohl auch für Österreich´s Bundeskanzler Sebastian Kurz und seine Regierung!!!!!!!!)

'It never ends': Trauma of Australia's 'stolen' children

 On the 11th anniversary of Australia's apology to the 'Stolen Generations', two survivors reflect on their experiences.

…. Having been taken from his mother by the police in 1960, when he was only two years of age, he became part of what is known as Australia's "Stolen Generations".....

"As a consequence, I've always felt, at a fundamental level, being alone in the world. Even being among people, I still feel alone - and I think that will never go," he says…..

….. Between 1900 and 1970, an estimated 100,000 Aboriginal children were forcibly removed from their homes and communities and placed with either white families or institutions, according to the landmark 1997 Bringing Them Home report, which heard the stories of people such as Morley.
On February 13, 2008, the then-Prime Minister Kevin Rudd issued a historic national apology to the stolen children….
…. The report found more than half live with a disability or have a chronic health condition; 70 percent rely on government welfare, and are more than three times as likely to have been jailed in the past five years compared with other Aboriginal people….
…. "We still have our kids removed at a higher rate; we still have the incarceration; we still have them dying earlier than a non-Aboriginal person," Edwards says. "The unemployment is still high, the bad health is still high - where does it all stop, when does it all change?"....

Sonntag, 17. Februar 2019

Israel's Judaisation of Palestine is failing

Decades of Israeli efforts to demolish, destroy, rename, rewrite and erase everything Palestinian have been in vain.

….. "The Islamic and Christian holy sites and endowments are targeted in order to change our city, hide its identity and marginalise our Arabic and Palestinian existence," the archbishop added…..

….. But the truth is that there is a systematic campaign to strip not just the holy city off of its Palestinian character, but also the whole of Palestine….

…. Israel's disregard for the historical rights of Palestinians is deeply rooted in Zionist ideology. Indeed, from the very start, Zionist ideologues promoted the idea that Palestine was a place bereft of culture or heritage - an arid desert, waiting for Zionist pioneers to make it "bloom".
For those claims to acquire a degree of plausibility and for the myth of Palestine as "a land without a people for a people without a land" to be solidified, the Zionist movement needed to erase the very existence of the Palestinian People...
…. On July 19, 2018, the Israeli Knesset passed the "nation-state bill", practically making apartheid official by defining Israel as the national homeland of the Jewish people and marginalising Palestinians, their history and language. However, that bill was the mere culmination of decades-long efforts. …..
……. The Israeli Zionist campaign to rename Palestinian places, destroy Palestinian heritage sites, claim Palestinian culture, undermine the Arabic language and erase cultural contributions of the Palestinian people has continued for over 70 years now. ….
… Yet, despite all of this destruction, on intellectual and political levels, Israel still remains insecure about its past and uncertain of its future….
…. Israel refuses to accept the fact that the Palestinians' relationship with their land cannot be dictated or terminated by violence, Knesset bills or army decrees. To the contrary, the more aggression is unleashed onto the Palestinians, the stronger the Palestinian sense of nationhood grows….

Mittwoch, 13. Februar 2019

There Is a Taboo Against Criticizing AIPAC — and Ilhan Omar Just Destroyed It

“You see this napkin?” Rosen asked Goldberg. “In twenty-four hours, [AIPAC] could have the signatures of seventy senators on this napkin.”
I couldn’t help but be reminded of this anecdote after Rep. Ilhan Omar, of Minnesota’s 5th Congressional District, was slammed by Democrats and Republicans alike over her suggestion, in a pair of tweets, that U.S. politicians back the state of Israel because of financial pressure from AIPAC (“It’s all about the Benjamins baby,” she declaimed). Was the flippant way in which she phrased her tweets a problem? Did it offend a significant chunk of liberal U.S. Jewish opinion? Did it perhaps unwittingly play into anti-Semitic tropes about rich Jews controlling the world? Yes, yes, and yes — as she herself has since admitted and “unequivocally” apologized for. But was she wrong to note the power of the pro-Israel lobby, to point a finger at AIPAC, to highlight — in her apology — “the problematic role of lobbyists in our politics, whether it be AIPAC, the NRA or the fossil fuel industry”?.....

Freitag, 1. Februar 2019

Exposed: China's surveillance of Muslim Uighurs

As China faces increasing criticism over its treatment of its Muslim population, new details emerge about how Beijing spies on Uighurs at home and abroad.

….. Amat is Uighur. A Muslim ethnic-minority group in China, Uighurs have been the target of a major crackdown by the government in Beijing. A United Nations human rights panel says this has led to up to a million people being imprisoned, in what the Chinese call "reeducation centres"...…
…… Al Jazeera spoke to more than a dozen former detainees. Many confirm they either witnessed or were themselves tortured and abused in these centres.  

…. "They want to delete Uighur. They want Uighurs to believe the Chinese Communist Party is God," Ayup says.
After being released, Ayup says he feared he would be locked up again, so he fled with his family to Turkey. Uighurs share a long history with the country and thousands have settled there in the last decade.
In Istanbul, Ayup has been documenting the stories of Uighur detainees….

"Verbrecherische Flüchtlingspolitik" Sechs Tote jeden Tag – UN legt erschütternde Bilanz für 2018 vor

Die Fahrt über das Mittelmeer ist für Bootsflüchtlinge noch gefährlicher geworden.....

….. Die Vereinten Nationen prangern eine alarmierend hohe Zahl von Flüchtlingen an, die bei der Fahrt über das Mittelmeer ums Leben kommen. Mit durchschnittlich sechs Toten pro Tag sei das Mittelmeer 2018 wieder die weltweit gefährlichste Seeroute gewesen, teilte das Flüchtlingshilfswerk UNHCR am Mittwoch in Genf mit. Insgesamt seien dort im vergangenen Jahr 2.275 Migranten und Flüchtlinge ertrunken.

„Verbrecherische Flüchtlingspolitik“

 „Statt die Transitländer in Nordafrika zu immer mehr Abschottungsmaßnahmen zu nötigen, muss die EU Menschen in Not legale und sichere Fluchtwege eröffnen“, sagte die innenpolitische Sprecherin Ulla Jelpke. Laut UNHCR brachten Küstenwachschiffe Tausende Flüchtlinge und Migranten zurück nach Libyen, wo sie unter entsetzlichen Bedingungen festgehalten würden.....