Mittwoch, 15. Februar 2017

In a Time of Executive Orders, Upholding Truth is a Revolutionary Act

The first month of Trump in office unleashed chaos and turmoil in the nation, creating what some called a constitutional crisis. With a series of executive orders threatening women’s reproductive rights, immigrants and sacred water guarded by the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, public outrage galvanized in protests across the country.
This new resistance against Trump’s repressive nationalist agenda is very encouraging. Yet, in order for this spark to become a truly transformative force, we need to take a hard look at how we got here. Trump’s outrageous move barring people from seven majority Muslim nations from entering into the United States sent shockwaves nationwide. The truth is that this didn’t emerge out of nowhere. This controversial list of Muslim countries that Trump is now using in his executive order was created by Obama, who was the commander in chief that had bombed 7 countries and expanded the Bush era ‘War on Terror’.
weiterlesen auf Counterpunch....

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